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Travel with us, hassle free, on your next trip to Montreal, for less than the rate of a room, and we do include the room. Luxurious hotel, transportation, customized itinerary, vip status to night life, 50% off restaurants and activities, free private tour, gifts
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Montreal VIP
Montreal Hotels
Montreal Nightclubs

Contact InformationMontreal Nightlife

Night Life Activities Restaurants Reservations


Our site has 4 main categories; Night Life, Activities, Restaurants and Reservations. Just click the pictures above or click the toolbar at the top right for more information about Montreal or its Hotels. General pricing information can be found on the Reservations link.

Want info on bachelor parties or similar events, click Bachelor Party.

Want to find good Maps of Montreal, click Montreal city map or click Montreal map of North America for an overview. 


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What to do in Montreal, check out the Montreal casino for montreal gambling. The casino montreal is the only legal establishment for gambling montreal aside from poker machines. Also check out the Montreal Hippodrome for montreal horse racing and montreal racing. Montreal VIP is your gateway to many of Montreal's great activities. Get info on montreal limousine or the Montreal Olympic stadium aka the Montreal Olympic park and the Montreal biodome. Check out the site of the montreal expo 67 montreal also hosting Montreal La Ronde, the Montreal food festival, the montreal Bensons & Hedges and the montreal international fireworks festival. Other centers and attractions include montreal forum, the montreal Molson center as well as the montreal planetarium and montreal Cosmodome. Montreal is full of things to see, including montreal ville marie, the tallest building boasting a restaurant at the top called montreal 737. Centrally located is the montreal mount royal or montreal Mont-royal, downtowns mountain with many montreal parks. Old Montreal is where the montreal old port and montreal cirque de soleil are located. It's a great summer spot with lots of scenery. A great montreal zoo is montreal park safari, about 30 minutes away. The Montreal Notre dame Montreal church was modeled after the Notre dame cathedral in Paris, home of the hunch back. Also be sure to visit montreal McGill, Montreals' prettiest street. Montreal Jarry is where the Montreal International Tennis Tournament and other montreal competition take place. Take in a Montreal Matinee Montreal or check out montreal museums in Montreal's main areas, including Montreal St-Laurent (the trendy area), Montreal Sherbrooke (biggest street), Montreal St-Denis (the Latin quarter), montreal St-Catherine street (Montreal's heart)and Montreal crescent (the strip). Montreal shopping is very extensive with the Montreal underground mall offering thousands of Montreal stores making shopping montreal great. Be a montral VIP and travel with montrealvip.